Home » 10 training courses to become a web and mobile developer

10 training courses to become a web and mobile developer

This training is ideal for beginners and does not require any prerequisites. You will master the basics of web development as well as JavaScript or PHP languages, in order to be able to design high-performance web applications. You will benefit from lifetime access to the online course platform. This program prepares you to pass the RNCP title “web and mobile web developer” level 5 (equivalent to bac+2).

Duration: 5 months
Type of teaching: distance learning
Public admitted: employed employees, job seekers, companies and students
Price: €7,500, financeable by CPF

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Web and mobile developer (bac+2) – JavaScript, PHP, SQL, UX Design… with EPSI
The objective of this session is to teach you how to develop the back-end part of a web or mobile application, create the user interface cambodia whatsapp number data and create a database. You must have an appetite for IT or 2 years of experience in a technical digital profession to register. The plus: personalized educational support is offered to ensure you are monitored throughout your skills development.

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Professional title of web and mobile web developer with Gaïa FC
At the end of this training, you will be able to develop the back-end (database, server-side business components, etc.) and front-end (user interface, dynamic part) of a secure web or mobile web application. An SEO module and an introduction to technical English are on the program. Please note that admission to this course is done after studying your registration file, technical tests and an individual interview.

Web and mobile web developer with European Training Center

This organization offers you to follow a each traffic source has its own complete and progressive educational program remotely and at your own pace. The objective: learn how bw lists to develop the back-end and front-end part of a website or web application. You will benefit from the support of a professional web developer by video and interactive challenges. The plus: 4 free modules to introduce you to application design, UX design, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity.

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