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5 tips for financing your IT training

Do you want to train or retrain in one of the IT professions? Do you ne to update your skills or do you want to add a digital component to your CV, in order to develop your employability on the job market? But how do you find your way around the many financing solutions that exist on the market? Fitec is an organization that supports candidates in professional retraining to help them finance their course and ensures the monitoring of the necessary administrative procures until they start training.

1. Find the financing solution suit to your profile

There are several schemes to finance your training in IT professions. These different solutions may vary depending on your profile, whether you are a job seeker, employee, civil servant, self-employ, of foreign nationality or student at usa whatsapp number data the end of the initial cycle, with the plan to continue on to a course with professional training. This assistance comes from Pôle emploi, your region or your company.

Depending on the candidates’ situation, we analyze their file to find out if they are eligible for one of the available financing mechanisms and we put together the file with them from A to Z, says Abla Daoud, training advisor at Fitec.

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POEI: financial aid provid by Pôle Emploi for individual operational preparation for employment.
POEC: assistance with collective operational preparation for employment, organiz by the OPCOs, i.e. operators who are approv by the State to support the development of professional training in France.
AIF: individual training assistance, set up by Pôle Emploi for job seekers who cannot finance the cost of their training.

CPF: personal training account, which allows you to train throughout your career thanks to a sum which is paid each year to anyone working from the age of 16.

2. Opt for a financing system dicat to employees

For employees, other sources of funding are possible as part of a professional retraining project. This is particularly the case with the building a community around Professional Transition Project, or PTP, which allows you to finance training while remaining paid by your bw lists company. And with the Transition Pro “resignation-retraining” scheme, you can also finance your training to leave your current company in order to embark on a new professional adventure.

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