Home » 7 Email Marketing Best Practices to Boost Newsletter Engagement

7 Email Marketing Best Practices to Boost Newsletter Engagement

It’s a way to reach customers and prospects directly. When you send an email to an email address in your database or newsletter subscription, that person will see the email. What they do after they see it in their inbox depends on how good you are at encouraging them to click on to see what’s in the email.

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Aren’t sure where to start when it comes to email marketing? Continue reading to learn some key email marketing best practices.

The subject line is the most critical part of your email marketing; it’s what reels a reader in. These few words matter a lot. Did you know that 33% of email recipients open emails based on the barbados email list 67672 contact leads subject line alone? Think about the last time you were in your inbox, what made you click on the email? On the other end, what made you delete one without reading it?

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Email marketing best practices for a subject line include asking a question, being specific, creating a sense of urgency, short and sweet, and lower cases. You don’t want to seem like

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you’re yelling about a “SALE ON NOW 50% OFF EVERYTHING”

Instead, try “Only 2 days left to get your shopping cart total 50% off”.

If you are able to personalize the subject line, that can help increase the open rate by 22.2%.

Once you think you’ve got the subject lines down, it’s time to how to improve the mobile version of the site test them. That’s when you can see what your readers like to see more: the specific sale (50% off everything) or an email showcasing a question (“What’s on sale this week?”).

This is a simple A/B test. Everything stays the same except the cell p data two subject lines. Once the two emails have gone out, you’ll be able to tell which one is more engaging by email open and click-through rates.

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