Home » 7 training courses to master the Adobe suite

7 training courses to master the Adobe suite

The goal of this comprehensive training provided by professional trainers is to make you independent on the flagship software of the Adobe suite: InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. For each tool, you will be introduced to the different elements of its interface, then you will improve to master the most advanced features. Concrete cases are on the program to help you quickly become operational on all software.

DTP: Photoshop, InDesign or Illustrator initiation + TOSA with ABSUP
Do you want to become a graphic designer, layout artist or communications manager? By following this introduction to the software that makes up the Adobe suite, you will learn the fundamentals of each tool: Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator. You will thus be able to use them effectively for your professional needs. This session prepares you for the TOSA certification.

Adobe Photoshop Illustrator or InDesign

(with TOSA passing) with EDAA – Distance Art School
This program, which is open to all, trains you to become an expert in photo editing and image processing software Photoshop, the essential canada whatsapp number data tool in graphics and editing InDesign, or the specialized tool in graphic design Illustrator. The plus: individual support and personalized monitoring by an expert TOSA trainer are provided as part of this training to successfully pass the certification recognized by the State.

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Introduction to DTP graphics with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign with FORMA13
You follow this training within a small group of 10 students maximum to facilitate your learning. On the program: an educational course with time for discussion with the expert trainer in graphics, the completion of exercises on practical cases and the correction. With the debriefing of the themes covered the day before. The plus: access to the private Forma13 community on Facebook. To exchange and share good practices at the end of the session.

 TOSA certification with LIS Training

Are you looking for specialized a strengthen your brand training in Adobe InDesign? This program, which is open to all levels, is made up of 37 modules to. Master the bw lists fundamentals and advanced features of the software. You will put into practice the knowledge. Acquired through practical workshops and real-life cases. The plus: personalized tutoring and distance learning accessible 24/7.

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