Home » 77% of mobile commerce consumers in Mexico prefer to buy through marketplaces

77% of mobile commerce consumers in Mexico prefer to buy through marketplaces

User experience on the Internet is key to selling today. If a page is too slow to load, the user leaves; if it is confusing, the user looks for a clearer one; if it is too complicat to pay, the customer looks for another alternative. For a company to provide a correct user experience , it must know through which device and platform its product or service is being view.

As report in this stud

The cell phone or smartphone is the main mobile device that online consumers use for online shopping. This article also investigates the profile of this type of consumer, whether they prefer to use a mobile application to make purchases or if they do so directly on the website, what types of products they usually buy through this means, among other questions.

To conduct this research, 1,004 people were surv poland whatsapp number data ey. The selection criteria for participants was as follows: adults (18 years or older), residents of Mexico, and who shop online at least once a month. Read the full methodology at the end of the article.



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The study indicates a high use of cell phones by online consumers in Mexico to carry out their activities on the Internet. 49% of them indicate that they surf the Internet mainly by cell phone, only 5% indicate that they mainly surf the Internet by computer, and the rest (46%) say that they use a mixture of both.

If you add the percentage of those who primarily use mobile ph building a community around ones to the percentage who say “a mix of both” you get almost all of the respondents. This is one reason why any company with an online presence should at least have a mobile- responsive website (i.e. the page adapts to the screen size) or, if it makes more sense for the business, a mobile app. The likelihood of users entering shopping data  the online business via this device is high and if the interface is not prepar it could result in a poor customer experience.

Online consumers primarily use cell phones for their online activities

This recommendation, that businesses be prepar for online visits from smartphones, is also support by the results of this study, which show a clear inclination towards the use of this type of mobile device at all stages of a purchase.

As can be seen in the graph, the preference for the smartphone in each of these phases is at least 60%, from searching for the product to receiving it, including customer service.

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