Home » 5 examples of engagement campaigns with email marketing

5 examples of engagement campaigns with email marketing

Isn’t it easier to talk to someone when you already know their interests? We all find it more natural to interact with an existing contact or client, and that’s why engagement campaigns can be very helpful.

If you’re trying to find new ways to attract leads, think twice! Your best leads may be the customers you already have in your database. If you want to re-engage with them, you’re already at an advantage: you know their contact information, you know their interest in your brand or content, and they may even have made a purchase from you before…

According to Outbound Engine , “It can cost five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one.” This fact should convince you to create an engagement campaign right now! In this post, you will discover tips and ideas to make the most of your database.

Why invest in an engagement campaign?

There are many signs that indicate you should get some marketing initiatives underway to re-engage your existing customers. As for email, you should look out for a lack of new subscribers or a decline in email metrics (open rate, click rate, ROI). On the other hand, your database may have stagnant and inactive processes. Have your sales dropped? These are all signs that you are not getting new, productive leads.

What is the reason for all this? It could be for a number of reasons: Your customers may have lost interest in your communications or products/services. Maybe they found an alternative brand. If they were job seekers database in the middle of a purchase or negotiation process, maybe they abandoned their intention to buy, didn’t fully understand the product, or didn’t receive any follow-up from you. Don’t worry! These are problems that you can solve with your engagement campaign.


What type of content works best for engagement campaigns?

According to Campaign Monitor ‘s survey , the emails most likely to be opened by users are: personal correspondence, promotional offer/sale/discount from a well-known brand, and new mobile app development: what will be trending in the coming months? products from a brand they love. We can summarize this in 3 Ps: personalization, promotions, and products.

The survey also shows that users’ preferred types of content are: discount codes, exclusive sales, new product announcements, and content curated based on their interests.

These two findings provide us


With important insights into the mindset of users, which you afb directory can use when developing your email marketing strategies and selecting content for engagement emails.

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