Home » A Guide to Creating a Marketing Technology Suite

A Guide to Creating a Marketing Technology Suite

his post was originally publish in October 2019 and has been updat with new content and details for 2021.

By now, it’s no secret that marketing and technology go together like gin and tonic water. (Or mustard and ketchup. PB and J… you get the idea.) They’re a duo. Naturally pair together to enhance the overall experience. Today, it’s nearly impossible for marketers to perform without the right tools and technologies in their arsenal. The world of marketing doesn’t stand still, and there are literally thousands of tools and innovations that were design to help you automate and simplify your marketing efforts.

What is a marketing tech stack?

One of the most jarring tasks for many companies I have swen whatsapp number data work with is selecting from the vast array of tools to use. This is where having a marketing technology stack becomes critical to your company’s marketing strategies.

But what is a marketing technology stack (aka “martech”) and why does your online business ne one? Let’s discuss and break it down:


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This is marketing jargon that you’ll definitely hear more of if you haven’t already. Essentially, a marketing technology stack is exactly what it sounds like: it’s a group of technology-bas tools that marketers and businesses use to enhance their marketing activities. But it’s more dynamic than simply using various tools individually for their own purposes in silos. from links on other websites Instead, marketing technologies are “stack” to create an integrat suite of tools that allows you to build seamless relationships with customers across several different channels.

The right martech stack will not only solve your malaysia data processes, but should also focus on the impact of your marketing activities and drive more efficient marketing spend.

Why should you invest in a marketing technology suite?

As I said earlier, the martech space is made up of thousands of online tools and technologies. The sheer number of vendors offering the latest and greatest in marketing innovations is overwhelming. Just take a look at ChiefMartech’s latest ition of the marketing landscape for 2020, with over 8,000 solutions to choose from. (For perspective, ChiefMartech report only 150 solutions just 10 years ago !)

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