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A journey towards innovation in Digital Marketing

Melina Diaz
Melina Diaz
Content Manager at MakingEx. Passionate about writing, dance, reading and art in all its forms.

Wrote 12 posts


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Doppler Academy

If you are one of those who seek to raise your reputation on the value scale, you must do fascinating things. Relive the ten points of the Webinar to inspire you and encourage you to innovate.

On Wednesday, July 16,

Doppler Academy held a new webinar , but with the great difference of standing out for its enormous inspiring potential so that all attendees are encouraged to develop new ideas and business structures . On this occasion, the motivational character prevailed , leaving the tactics to the creativity that each one is encouraged to develop.

Jonathan Álvarez , General Manager at Dimilab , a Web 2.0 specialist and a leader in Online Marketing and Communication strategies, was bold in starting the Doppler training “Innovation, branding and creativity in Digital Marketin ws data  by questioning the validity of the theoretical content that one learns at the University.

Provocative but no less justified, Jonathan started from certain apocalyptic qualifications about the current situation of marketing, advertising and digital communication . According to him, a large part of the content how can cashback be offered in e-commerce?  that is spread on the Web can be considered “junk”, since of the 3,000 to 7,000 advertising messages sent per person per day, 99% are invasive messages .

That is why Doppler invites you to positively redefine the influence of the Internet to make your business strategy a success. You can access the recording of the training here and focus on taking advantage of the high level of media exposure in your favor.



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