Home » B2B Digital Marketing and LinkedIn

B2B Digital Marketing and LinkedIn

Our society is immersed in what has come to be called “the information age. Which, as its name indicates, implies a surplus of data and knowledge. Which reside throughout the Internet, and more recently, in the platforms that have become protagonists of data traffic: social networks.


If you are a regular reader of our blog, you will know. The importance we give to the topic of social networks in B2B. Digital Marketing, and you will probably have already read one or another of our articles dedicated to it. If this is the first or second time you enter this blog and read our content.Then we will explain the importance of social networks for Industrial Digital Marketing.

Traditionally, B2B Marketing is an area

Whose existence has been seen more closely associated with the physical and “face-to-face” world. With its actors being somewhat reluctant to get involved (at least professionally. With the online world. However, over the last decade, this reality has changed significantly, mainly. Due to the growth and boom that social networks have had in the last decade. While it is clear that the most popular platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are not necessarily the place where. B2B Marketing resides, LinkedIn, for example, is the social uae phone number library network of the working and professional world par excellence, and where B2B. Marketing has found an excellent niche, creating a solid relationship between the two. Which represents the perfect example of what Social Selling is.


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If you’re wondering what Social Sellin


We’ll explain it in a nutshell: it’s the process in which social networks in general are used. To establish relationships and interactions versatility of mobile compatibility with potential business partners. It can be applied to any social network, but as mentioned above. For the B2B world, the most appropriate is LinkedIn.


The advantages of incorporating Social Selling into a company’s B2B Digital Marketing strategy are countless, including, for example, better brand positioning, increased leads, greater proximity and trust with potential customers, and even a lower investment compared to other sales techniques.


How to apply it


Despite its simple definition, and the hundreds of articles and tips available on the web regarding how to successfully carry out a strategy that includes Social Selling, the truth is that it is not as easy as it seems, and it can become a by lists failure if it is not applied in conjunction with the appropriate time, knowledge, and approach: we are talking about large amounts of data derived from exhaustive knowledge of the company and its environment.

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