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When people feel supported by their colleagues

This is what questions look like in an IT company’s questionnaire: Source: testograf.ru 2. Improve the atmosphere in the team Team morale and employee productivity are impacted by the atmosphere in the workplace. This is true for both remote and traditional teams. Here are some tips to help you maintain a positive atmosphere at work: Encourage initiative . If an employee suggests a new solution or tool for work, do not reject their idea immediately. Consider it and thank them for their help . Maintain a trusting environment.

To ensure that team members are not afraid to

Talk about their mistakes, you need to create a friendly atmosphere. To do this, you need to train employees and managers to give feedback correctly . Recognize portugal phone number library achievements. A manager should recognize the achievements of his team and individual employees . Gather your team in an informal setting. This is possible even if employees work remotely. Online quizzes and various game formats are used for this purpose . Don’t overload your employees.

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It’s typical for a new startup or business

To have a lot of tasks and few people. Therefore, the workload on employees increases. But don’t overload the team and allow people to work overtime or on the girls had sav up a little money weekends for a long time – this leads to burnout. 3. Introduce the habit of gratitude To make your team more cohesive and productive, make it a rule to thank each other for their help.  it will have a positive effect on overall motivation.

The easiest way to implement such a habit

To use special tools. For example, the corporate messenger Compass has a separate function for gratitude called “Thank you”. When one employee wants to thank another, they go to their profile and click the “Thank you” button. The thanks appear in a separate ws data chat where all team members can see it. amo is a corporate messenger from amoCRM. We will tell you how the messenger works, its useful functions and disadvantages. We will also offer 5 alternative services. You are reading the magazine Compass – a messenger for effective and safe teamwork. Learn more about Compass What is amo messenger In 2019, the amoCRM team introduced its corporate messenger — amo. Amo messenger is an application that has become an alternative to WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber. Each is a fairly convenient messenger for correspondence.

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