Think back to the last time you bought a smartphone and how you chose the right manufacturer. If you liked Apple technology, you most likely bought an iPhone again, and if you were satisfied with Samsung products, you at least considered buying this smartphone. Price in this case is not of primary importance. Loyalty is much more important.
Many consumer
feel an attachment to certain brands. The ability to create and nurture this attachment is the key to brand longevity.
The good news is that growing customer loyalty is not that difficult. This is where brazil phone number data email marketing comes in handy. In
this article, we will tell you what emails to send to customers to become their favorite brand.
What is loyalty in the digital world
In a traditional business model, your most loyal customers are those who return to buy again and again. For example, they buy coffee at the same coffee shop. But in the digital world, customer loyalty has a broader meaning: frequency of purchases, positive reviews on the site, and even the open rate of emails from the brand are all about loyalty.
Customer loyalty
is a measure of the likelihood that a consumer will interact with a company, buy goods and services from a seller. It is the result of a positive purchase experience and the overall value that the customer receives from the business.
How to increase loyalty with email newsletters
Segment your contact base
Personalize the customer journey of your customers – send them only relevant information. Segment the base by all available criteria: age, location, previous purchases or actions on the site. The more groups and the the break-even point can be calculated in different ways more precise the criteria, the more effective the newsletters will be.
Read more about the benefits of segmentation in our article “What is target audience segmentation – and how to do it right”
Not only advertising, but also benefits
Even those who subscribe to online stores in search of discounts do not want to receive only advertising. This will begin to irritate even the most loyal customers. Therefore, it is important to include useful and diverse betting data content in the mailing list: articles, interesting selections, surveys, games. You can send useful letters once every two weeks, or you can accompany letters with personal recommendations with interesting information.