Home » Find your ideal post length based on your goals, audience, and search intent. Powered by Semrush research

Find your ideal post length based on your goals, audience, and search intent. Powered by Semrush research

A blog post should ideally be between 1,500 and 2,500 words. This range allows you to cover topics in depth, provide valuable information, and optimize your content for SEO. But the truth is that the optimal length of a post depends on your content goals, audience needs, and search intent.

Longer articles can be effective for delving deeper into topics

Shorter articles can be good for how-to guides or press releases.

A good content strategy addresses both short-form and long-form days this cookie is content needs. Let’s look at these factors in more detail and determine the best post length for each.

Does the length of a blog post really matter?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean that longer posts are always better. In fact, deciding how long your blog post should be should mostly depend on search intent .

In other words, you should provide the post length that best meets the needs of your audience.

Your main goal is to answer your audience’s questions. This means investing time to understand their needs and how much information they need.

The Optimal Blog Post Length for Different Content Types

Our research indicates that articles with more than 3,000 days this cookie is words generate the most organic traffic. However, other metrics, such as social shares, follow a different logic.

Let’s look at suggested blog post lengths for specific post types and formats .

Press releases or launch posts should be around 400-700 words, according to The Guardian . They should convey information to a journalist in a clear mom database and simple way. The same principle applies when writing about a product launch for your readers: content should be short, concise, and include key

B2B use cases or case studies can be very long. They are considered one of the most reliable types of content, as they show how a customer has successfully used the product. Such content should help persuade the customer without taking up too much of their time.

Demo articles (with multimedia) are aimed at current customers and hot leads and demonstrate a feature or set of features. Readers can often benefit from additional multimedia in these articles (e.g., video clips and images) that provide clear visual explanations.

Much longer content that works best for in-depth guides, foundational content, and pillar pages .

More days this cookie is than 3,000 words

Is there an ideal length for blog posts?
In reality, success depends mostly on the quality of your content and the comprehensiveness of the topic covered, not necessarily on a specific length.

For example, if we enter “how to scale a startup” as a keyword phrase in Semrush’s Keyword Overview tool , we see that a blog post from Integrio ranks at the top of the list.

Analyze Blog Post Length – Keyword Overview
If we do a word count of the post, we can see that there are 1,997 words.

However, the second on the list, published by the Sloan School of MIT Management, is nearly 75 percent shorter at 554 words.

The third, from RingCentral, is much longer: over 3,200 words

mom database

This illustrates how your blog post length can vary and still rank well with search engines.

How to Determine Your Blog Post Length in 3 Steps
As we said above, the ideal length for your blog post is determined by a number of factors. This section explains the steps you can take to get there.

1. Set your goal
Great content marketers don’t just start writing apply seo optimization techniques blog posts, they invest in strategy and planning ahead of time.

Start by establishing the goal you have for writing your blog post and consider how it helps you achieve your most important business goals.

If you don’t have a clear goal, you may end up writing content just for the sake of writing it, without generating any significant business results.

Different types of blog post days this cookie is goals can include:

Search Engine Results Positioning
Sharing on social media
Generate leads and conversions
Get evidence after announcing a new product launch
Finally, knowing the goal of your blog post will help singapore data you make initial considerations about the length of the content.

For example, ranking on Google might require a detailed answer to a question, while a product announcement article should get to the point.

2. Define your audience
Understanding your intended audience is another factor that can help decid

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