Home » Gamification: The future of online marketing

Gamification: The future of online marketing

Alberto Tendero
Alberto Tendero
SEO Consultant at SIDN_es. Graduate in English Philology. Technology, Social Media and Online Marketing enthusiast.

Wrote 1 post


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Gamification in Online Marketing

has come to encourage users to create content and collaborate with brands, as we ws data  will see in this article. Find out what it is all about !

Marketing trends are constantly changing and what was new yesterday is now outdated. Social media has largely replaced comments on blogs and websites as elements of communication between the brand and t this means that, while on one side he user . But all is not lost in this battle. Keep reading!

What is gamification?
Let’s start from the beginning to help those who are unfamiliar with this term that has been so popular in recent months. Well, Gamification is the use of incentives to get the user to adopt a behavior that interests us.




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