Home » Inbound marketing: the future of retail in Chile

Inbound marketing: the future of retail in Chile

Unlike traditional marketing! with the Inbound methodology you don’t have to work hard to attract the attention of your target audience; by creating valuable content that helps them solve their problems and needs! you will attract qualified prospects and generate trust and credibility for the brand.

Inbound marketing is already a trend in the world and it is becoming more so every day in Chile. In fact! Carolina Samsing! marketing director at HubSpot for Latin America and Iberia! points out in an   article published in El Mostrador that the implementation of new technologies in marketing has driven the trend of the Inbound methodology in the country.

According to her! this is attributed to the “ use of digital platforms that help companies grow in a sustained and orderly manner! regardless of their size.”

Considering the degree of penetration of Inbound! as well as the fact that it is a methodology applicable to any company or industry ! it is seen as the future of retail in Chile.  It is considered that it allows retail companies to improve all their processes and focus on the customer! increasing their satisfaction and! consequently! their sales.

Let’s take a closer look at why Inbound represents  the future of retail in the country.


We live in the digital age and no one can ignore the cayman islands phone number data change in the consumption habits of the modern buyer and the growing boom in e-commerce! which during 2018 marked an impressive increase in sales of 39.4%. 

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At the eCommerce Santiago Chile 2019 fair! Marcos Pueyrrendon! a leader in digital economy in Latin America! gave an interview in which he said about the evolution of eCommerce in the country: “At the beginning! growth in Chile was very large because the base was very small. Today we have a very large base and that has made us see the percentages that are increasingly balanced in their growth. The country continues to grow with double-digit rates and above 30%! which is very good! by the way.”

The figures also show that the country’s exports move US$5 billion! representing 1.4% of GDP and have doubled in the last five years.

And in the same interview cited above! Pueyrrendon says singapore data that the trend in eCommerce for the next 5 years “  will be   that we will no longer talk about commerce! but rather we will talk about omnicommerce! digital commerce! ubiquitous commerce. We will have consumers who will use points of sale and points of contact based on technology! making technology part of all processes.”

In this context! the retail sector in Chile  must digitalize social network analysis and think about online sales. If it doesn’t! it will lose countless modern prospects and customers who make part or all of their purchasing journey on the Internet. And that’s where Inbound Marketing starts to become important.


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