Home » Language window not only for copywriters: erratic commas

Language window not only for copywriters: erratic commas

Anyone who works in any way with texts that will sooner or later appear in public should not ignore the rules of spelling. For copywriters, whose texts they represent and sell in the vast majority of cases, this is true. And since one of the biggest problems is punctuation, specifically writing commas in sentences and clauses, the topic of this article is clear.

The comma as a matter of life and death

Do you need a scary example for the introduction to g poland whatsapp number data ive you more motivation to read on? No problem.

Verdict: Not freed, hanged. X Verdict: Set free, not hang.
Let’s eat children! X Let’s eat, kids! (yes, my favorite and already mentioned example on the blog)

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Why is the comma so perplexingly problematic?
So the comma is not a problem always and for everyone, but it is for a lot of people. And often. We have a whole package of rules that say where to use a comma and where not to. Sometimes a comma creates a seemingly insignificant shade of meaning , which not everyone not a strengthen your brand ices, but a person who is equipped with a sense of language does, and writes that it hurts his eyes.

In addition to the fixed rules for where to place the comma in sentences and clauses, there are also relatively loose rules , in which we can either afford to form the construc saudi data ion in both ways and neither one prevails, or to form the construction in both ways, but one of them prevails and it is more appropriate to use it.

For peace of mind – even linguists think about the comma in some borderline situations .


Common mistakes in writing commas, from which not only copywriters should learn
Since everyone reading this article has completed some degree of education, we will not discuss the simplest cases . You would die of boredom in the middle of an article. We will focus on situations that will seem clear to someone, but difficult for another, because his feeling is not fully developed.

Note: The article is not intended to offend any readers. Everyone can do something and everyone is good at something else.

Hold on to your hats, here we go.

Multiple vs. gradually developing adjective

Maybe we all remember hearing about these adjectives in primary and secondary school, but we don’t really know what to imagine under these terms and how to behave when writing them.

The gradually developing adjective is characteristic of… Gradually developing . As an example, we can cite the construction of a beautiful spring day . The adjective spring here develops the noun day. We ask what day. And we answer spring. We continue anyway. What spring day? What was the quality of this spring day? He was beautiful. Beautiful spring day . Let’s forget about the comma.

The multiple adjective is different in that the adjectives that develop the noun are on the same level. That’s why we separate them with a comma. For example, the second, beautiful dream . I had several dreams at night, and the second of the whole galaxy was beautiful.

To make it not so simple, we can write the second, beautiful dream construction without a comma. But the meaning will change, that must be taken into account. So we either write a comma or leave it out, depending on what we want to say .


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