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Marketing automation, what you need to know

Do you know what marketing automation is? Thanks to new technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial

Intelligence (AI), digital marketing today has new tools that help sell more efficiently and, above all, provide a positive experience during the journey that exists in the purchasing process.

To convert your prospects into loyal and recurring customers , it is necessary to incorporate marketing

automation into your sales strategy in order to know where potential buyers are in the sales funnel and thus personalize your offers.

What is marketing automation?

It is a process automation methodology to improve learning and procedures in a marketing strategy.

Marketing automation is achieved through the integration of software with a CRM. This duo helps sellers adapt content

and automatic actions in order to direct persuasive messages in an efficient and timely manner.

According to The Ultimate Marketing Automation ecuador phone number list stats report , 56% of companies are currently using marketing automation, and 40% of B2B companies are planning to adopt the technology.

Why is marketing automation necessary?

Simple answer: it helps you know what stage of the Marketing automation customer life cycle they are in, enrich the

content and personalize the conversation until you achieve conversion.

This strategy also helps to:

  • Segment each person who arrives through a form. Marketing Automation platforms save and analyze the data
  • provided (email, location, company, phone) to categorize, identify patterns and create a buyer profile.
  • Analyze user behavior with touchpoints such as emails, messages, downloads or ebooks.
  • Make the best decisions to create effective content and messages for each stage of the purchasing journey.
  • Create different messages and campaigns to be broadcast at a specific time.
  • Monitor the actions that the user performs with the campaigns.
  • Efficiently manage time in everyday tasks and those that require a lot of resources.

How does marketing automation help sales?

The help that marketing automation can provide to the commercial area of ​​a business is completely measurable and

infinite thanks to the different resources and technological the data therefore shows developments that exist today.

In this article we will mention the most recommended strategies regardless of whether it is for an SME or a large

company and that will help you identify the next steps you should take so that that prospect becomes your new client.


  • Lead capture: This is the process of obtaining contact information from a potential prospect through a website
  • or social media in exchange for receiving a downloadable ebook or paper with information of interest. An example
  • is when the user reaches a landing page and fills out a contact form with valuable data for the company such as name, email, professional position, city, and receives informative material in exchange.
  • Lead scoring and management: In this strategy, prospects are evaluated using a points system. Each prospect
  • that matches the aspects of a potential client is assigned a shopping data  Marketing automation certain number of
  • points. If there is one that has a high score, it is an indicator that the prospect is at a more advanced stage in the pipeline.

This helps detect which prospects are ready to move to the nurturing stage.

  • Lead nurturing

    This is a strategy where content is the star. In this maturation process, automatic actions allow tracking engagement. This is achieved with follow-up emails accompanied by appropriate content. It is a phase to achieve lead conversion.

  • Campaign management: having an automated platform helps you generate and monitor campaigns on a single screen. Activating ads , sending emails, doing social listening, generating an SEO strategy will allow you to deliver the message on the right platform.</li>
  • Linking marketing software with a CRM : doing this fusion is a plus that allows you to not only connect with your potential client, but also helps to store all the information generated during the journey . In this fusion, the marketing and sales teams must work in total synchrony, since the data generated before and after the purchase process is valuable for creating new strategies.&lt;/li>

One very important aspect that can be said with complete certainty is that marketing automation is a data sponge, because each action that the prospect or client performs can generate important data such as purchasing patterns, days with more activity, email opening rates. </p>

In addition, automatic reports can be generated on the data that is needed. This translates into having real-time information and generating more grounded planning.

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