Mexican companies already produce food with AI

Food companies are already integrating AI into their production processes to reduce failures in their machinery.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already reached food production in the country.

Companies such as La Costeña, Bimbo and Danone use Tractian AI for production machinery monitoring, energy management and software.

This technology is necessary to monitor operational processes, since a failure in the chain can represent multimillion-dollar losses due to the perishable products.

Said Leonardo Vieira CEO and co-founder of Tractian

“TheArtificial intelligenceIt is there to anticipate unexpected machine breakdowns or failures that are very large losses for the industry .”

He explained in an interview.
According to the firm, which focuses on developing IoT solutions combined with AI, a company can achieve savings equivalent to six times the investment they make in predictive technology.

Therefore, it is more profitable to use AI in preventive maintenance than to make corrective repairs.

The solution collects data on vibration, tension, temperature to create a DNA of companies in order to predict expected future behaviors, however, operator feedback is also needed.

“Products can only reach people’s australia whatsapp number data homes if companies do not have unexpected breakdowns and stoppages . ”

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Vieira said.
The organization recently raised 800 million pesos in funds, which will be used to boost the company’s expansion into the United States.

Based on the experience and development achieved with clients in Mexico.
Companies should consider implementing a comprehensive reverse logistics process using AI, not only to improve customer satisfaction but also to contribute to the environment.

“Companies must stop being afraid of returns

and one of the issues building a community around they must address with the highest priority is improving digital channels.

“Especially for returns and ensuring a good consumer experience . ”
“AI is definitely changing cz lists the game so that brands can do it in a more precise way.

“Its use provides an improvement in work, task resolution and accurate forecasts.”

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