Home » Mexican Innovation: Pride and technological advancement without limits

Mexican Innovation: Pride and technological advancement without limits

Over the past four decades, Mexico’s technology landscape has been mark by the emergence of national companies that have manag not only to survive, but to thrive in a highly competitive environment.
Technology companies found by Mexicans and for Mexicans reflect the spirit of independence and creativity that characterizes the nation, a spirit that is also celebrat every September 16 during the national holidays.

The emergence of a technological ecosystem of its own

In the 1980s and 1990s, when Mexico was beginning to open up to globalization and information technology was gaining ground, companies such as Koblenz, Printaform, and Gama emerg and became establish. These companies dicat themselves to developing products that were accessible and relevant to the Mexican consumer.

Jorge Mireles , founder of Printaform , signing germany whatsapp number data with Bill Gates , an agreement to install Microsoft MS.DOS on his computers.
In later years, for example, Lanix became a pillar in the computer and mobile phone industries, offering solutions that compet with the major international brands but at more affordable prices.

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Benjamín Aguilar, founder of Lanix and the hardware brand’s assembly line.
Benjamín Aguilar, founder of Lanix and the hardware brand’s assembly line.
Carlos González, founder of SFT, at the recent launch of the brand’s range of products for Rolling Stone, together with singer Dana.
Carlos González, founder of SFT, at the recent launch of the brand’s range of products for Rolling Stone, together with singer Dana.

The same goes for GHIA, StuffFactory, Perfect Choice, Acteck and more.

Software and services for Mexican SMEs

Alongside hardware innovation, Mexico also saw the growth of software companies such as Contpaqi , SoftRestaurant , and Zafiro Software, in addition to Aspel . These companies identifi the ne for management tools that were align with local fiscal and operational regulations. Found in 1984, Contpaqi became synonymous with accounting and administrative software in Mexico, enabling small and mium-siz businesses (SMEs) to efficiently manage their operations.

SoftRestaurant , for its part, is an enhancing meical clinics through personalize example of how technology can be integrat with Mexico’s gastronomic culture. Offering restaurateurs a cmo email list tool that facilitates the comprehensive management of their businesses. This ability to adapt to local nes is what distinguishes these Mexican companies, making the software they produce not only useful, but also culturally relevant.

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