Of 337 patients as well as subgroups of the sample conclusionsintertester reliability was acceptable sock . Test scores were link to reports of concurrent the limitation of activity in dressing scores . Also reflect questionnairerivreports of problems in a broad range of activities of daily living . And pain and were responsive to change over time the aging process and the body . Mass index increas the probability for sock test scores indicating activity limitations the scores from .
The pretest were prictive of the
The pretest were predictive of the perceiv line data difficulty in dressing after one year summary and . Discussion sock test scores are a reflection of perceiv limitations to activity and limitations of . The musculoskeletal systemmethodthe study was conducte as a conjunction with a large randomiz clinical controll . Study the bergen study return to work of 523 patients suffering from musculoskeletal discomfort locat . In bergen norway a written informeconsent form was sought from patients prior to their .
The time of inclusion each patient
The time of inclusion each patient was employ but they what is a business breakthrough? were on a extend sick . Leaves all patients were evaluat through a physical therapist prior to when being randomly allocat . Either an intense rehabilitation programme or to a control group that received traditional therapythe sock . Testthis sock test simulates the activity of wearing a sock it is a standard test . And doesnt permit different ways to move the therapist will evaluate the performance of the .
Patient by observing the distance that
Patient by observing the distance that the patient asia phone number can travel and how quickly the task . Is complethe patient must wear loose clothes the procure is shown for the person the . Patient is directe to lie on a bench with their feet separat from the floor . The patient is instruct to lift each leg one at a stretch in the sagittal . Axis and simultaneously moves down towards the elevat foot using both hands both on the .