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Online campaign automation

About the client

Carnext is a subsidiary of Leaseplan, one of the world’s largest companies providing operational leasing and fleet management of passenger cars. Carnext sells used vehicles from Leaseplan after the first owner. It guarantees its customers complete knowledge of the car’s service history and quality cars with excellent care during the operational leasing period.


The assignment was to take over the management of online marketing and achieve at least the same results with less than half the cost of the previous management (see below for more details). We had 3 months to test the feasibility of this requirement.

The main arguments on which online marketing was based were the company’s reliability, good reputation and great references (the rating of 9 out of 10 on Google is among the best in the Czech Republic).

The assignment was specific in its fantuan database structure – CarNext is both a business website and an e-shop. The purchasing process is complicated due to the product.

The customer can on the website:

  • Leave a lead and wait for contact from the salesperson
  • Buy a car directly in the e-shop

The goal of the campaign was to make the most of both conversion paths.

Set goals

  • Achieve at least the same number of so-called hard conversions = the user leaves a contact with half the online marketing budget.
  • Achieve at least the same volume of business transactions = the user directly orders a specific car with half the online marketing budget.
  • 1/2 the budget and at least the same results

When implementing the campaign, we needed to overcome three main obstacles:


The client is unique in that it decided to separate the management of online marketing from the management of its Dutch headquarters . Throughout 2020, the Dutch headquarters managed online marketing jointly for all countries, which also entailed some disadvantages – primarily the inability to adapt the strategy singapore data and parameters to local conditions. This resulted in high budgets spent on display, search and Facebook advertising with not very satisfactory results compared to the amount invested. Therefore, the marketing management of the Czech branch decided to go local with the expectation of achieving at least the same results for less than half the cost.


We built the entire campaign from scratch – without access to account history . The decision about our choice came overnight and we had to start creating and managing campaigns within 24 hours. Passing on access information, explaining questions, etc. was quite complicated due to the need to communicate with the Dutch headquarters and corporate rules on sharing access.


Setting up analytics measurement in Google Analytics was very complicated and completely incomprehensible to the average user. Therefore, we had to decipher all types of goals and their various interconnections. This then significantly affected the connection with advertising systems and the setting of microconversions for the best possible campaign optimization.

You can find the path and specific measurable results in the following PDF.

Open PDF with results

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