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Sales workflows and pipelines

When a lead is creat, it is very important to follow up on it and contact it within 24 hours. Without automation, the sales manager will assign new leads to a particular salesperson manually and this process can cause delays and loss of clients. By creating workflows and pipelines, you can automate this process and achieve follow-up and interaction with your new leads in a much easier and more effective way. You will also have the possibility of recontacting old leads with whom, at the time, you did not achieve the desir interaction, assigning them in a rotating and automatic way to several salespeople if you wish.

Prictive lead scoring

We all know that the main goal of the sales team is to close more and more deals and get new clients. With SalesHub you can prict a lead score to contact those prospects who are most likely to become clients. You can score your leads bas on different attributes, including the professional information they sent you and the level of commitment to your website and brand on the Internet. This way you can prioritize your leads more effectively and therefore increase your conversion rate.

Create and share quotes


By using this tool, you will impress your prospects with instant and professional sales quotes. You will be able to share them with contacts interest in purchasing a product or service from your company. Use this tool job seekers database to create a web page that includes information about the prices of your products and services. This way, you will get a more personaliz and effective sales strategy by selecting the contacts you would like to appear in your quotes at the right time when your product is still fresh in your prospect’s mind.


5 Service Hub Features to Boost User Experience

berkeley-communications unsplashHubSpot Service Hub is a tool 100% focus on customer service and experience. Through it, you can better understand your customers’ nes, serve them the professional must respect quickly and efficiently, and offer them great contact experiences with the brand.

Its objective is to facilitate management and connection with customers so that their queries and problems can be resolv quickly. The tool allows companies to transform customers into brand ambassadors.

Conversations: This works as a collaborative inbox alb directory where your team members can view and respond to your customers’ requests. Through Conversations, you can manage multiple service channels at the same time. Such as emails, social mia, chatbots , and live chats on your website. This way, you will be in constant contact with your customers and you will give them the possibility to contact your team using the channel that best suits them.

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