Home » The future of post-pandemic marketing: 5 predictions for 2021

The future of post-pandemic marketing: 5 predictions for 2021

Well… this post is going to be a little different than previous years, isn’t it? I guess that’s true for most things in 2020, so it’s not surprising anymore.

Typically, when December rolls around, we wax poetic about the joy of Thanksgiving, which builds on the joy and wonder of the holiday season, culminating in Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Then we write our annual marketing predictions post and all is right with the world.

Here is the rating legend we created for the original post in 2014:

We’re still going to do all of the above. And we thailand whatsapp number data sincerely hope that you still find the joy and happiness of years past during the 2020 holiday season, while staying safe and healthy.

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In case you’re new to the WSI blog, every year we publish a set of predictions for what’s coming from a digital perspective. This dates back to 2014 (see previous predictions for 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 , 2019 , and 2020 ) and allows us a theoretical platform to analyze and building a community around predict the future of marketing and, if we’re right, get a jump on our competition.


Oracle (+2): When we’re so right, it’s like we’ve channeled that nice lady from The Matrix.
Oracle In-Training (+1): We didn’t see the full picture, but hey, we still saw the future
Clear As Mud (0): We weren’t right, but we weren’t wrong either
Just A Bit Outside (-1): We tried to paint the corner of the plate, but the umpire didn’t call us.
Swing And A Miss (-2): Like a hitter expecting a fastball and getting a curveball, we weren’t close
As usual, before we dive into predictions for 2021, let’s take malaysia data a look at how we did in 2020. Fair warning, this may or may not be a rough set of predictions as it was made back in December 2019, before we knew what 2020 really had in store for us:

#1: No-click searches will continue to dominate

Rating: +1
I have no doubt that the number of “Zero Click” searches increased again in 2020, although the data to prove this is harder to come by than last year. Anecdotally, three fairly large sites I work for received roughly 20% less organic traffic year-over-year for 11 months in 2020 versus 2019. This is enough for us to take a point.

While in most cases data is extremely important for us to give ourselves a win, it’s definitely clear that Google is trying to keep users on their pages. Check out our post here to read about some featured snippet changes from early 2020 and this post explains why you should care about in-SERP SEO .


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