Home » Various methods of measurement 

Various methods of measurement 

Various methods of measurement were utilizfor various lengths of time and were distribut randomly . This suggests that subsamples were assessintertester reliabilitypatients suffering from musculoskeletal pain n21 who took part . In clinical tests over the period of 14 days were taken into consideration to determine . The reliability of intertesters fiveteen women and six men with a mian age of 44 . Minimum26 maximum62 the patients were examinnine patients complain of back pain eight patients were .

Suffering from shoulder neck or arm

Suffering from shoulder neck or arm pain linkIn data  four patients sufferfrom generaliz musculoskeletal painpain and . Activity limitations as perceiv by the patientparticipants n237 who at the beginning were examin using . In the sock test and on the same occasion answer questions from physical therapists on . Perceiv difficulties relat to the process of wearing shoes and socks they were also includ . To investigate the connection between the clinicians sock test scores and data from patientspatients who .

Special database

Took the sock test and who

Took the sock test and who concurrently completed the engage with them regularly  disability rating index dri 23 during . The time of the pretest exam were also included to examine the relation with sock . Test scores and perceived functional issues in different activities of daily living as measured through . The questionnaire the dri includes 12 questions on issues related to daily life activities all . Measured on a 10cm analog scale its dri scores are the median score of all .

The itemsmusculoskeletal system because of demographic

The itemsmusculoskeletal system because of demographic asia phone number  reasonspatients n326 assess using the sock test at the . Pretest examination with prior data on age and bmi bmi in kgs square meters as . Well as sexual activity were examin to determine the possibility that sock test scores reflect . Differences in the restrictions of the musculoskeletal structure according to age bmi and sexpriction of . Perceiv limitation in activitythe patients n257 that were test by the sock test at the .

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