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VPS/VDS or virtual hosting: what to choose

This means that you can use them at your own discretion and not worry about your neighbors. It is recommend to choose such hosting only if you have really high-load projects that have increas security requirements. There are many types of hosting services, and at first glance it is not easy to understand them. Beginning webmasters get lost in the abundance of terms and concepts, but they ne to host a website (or other project) somewhere, so most often they choose a server with more resources for less money.

However, these are not the only parameters

By which you ne to choose a hosting. Many tariffs differ in the level of rights, the degree of security, the complexity of management. If you are mom database deciding between virtual hosting or VPS, this must be taken into account. In this article, we will tell you how hosting differs from VPS/VDS, and explain how to make a choice. What is virtual hosting This service has two main names: virtual hosting and shar hosting.

special data

There is no difference between them

When it comes to web hosting. hosting websites and web applications, a shar server is usually also meant. In principle, the word “shar ” reflects how does application development work? the scheme of such rent well: the client buys disk space and uses the server’s computing resources equally with other users. Hundr s of projects from different developers can coexist on one host, which is why it is so cheap.

The load is distribut evenly between

All of them, but if some website suddenly ne s more resources (for example, due to an influx of visitors), the host server will allocate them bulk lead to it to the detriment of the work of the others. This can be a significant disadvantage if stable access to the web project is critically important to you. However, virtual hosting is still very popular, and there are reasons for this, in addition to its low cost.

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