Home » We know what your cat eats and we can make money from it: 5 signs of an effective CDP

We know what your cat eats and we can make money from it: 5 signs of an effective CDP

Customer Data Platform is a software that collects information about the purchasing.

behavior of hundreds of thousands of customers from fragmented data. It remembers everything that the buyer has ever reported about.

Bemselves: name, age, contacts, city of residence, age of children.

Presence of pets and their favorite food, reviews, ratings, purchase and browsing history… The list is endless – the amount of data in the customer card is unlimited.

CDP receives data from various


sources – a website, transactions in offline stores, a mobile application, CRM. The system collects all this in a digital user profile. This data can be collected in an infinite amount and used for various purposes: from denmark phone number data attracting a new client to increasing the loyalty

mobile phone number library

of regular customers. It is the CDP that helps to carefully remind about the need to replenish coffee supplies or buy a new school uniform for a child. A clear interface will greatly simplify interaction with the collected information.

Requirement #1: Clear interface


The header of the digital profile contains the main data: name, contacts, city of residence, and loyalty program status
Non-obvious data, gluing and separating profiles
Review articles often write that CDP is easy to confuse with CRM and explain the difference. We will also repeat the base. The functional feature of CDP is that the manager.D does not have to interact with the client to collect data about him. The platform collects data from a variety of social platforms and accumulates it in a digital profile.

To make the picture of the client’s interaction with the brand more complete, Customer Data Platform matches — that is, compares — data from.

Different sources. For example, if a buyer put ten pairs of size 42 shoes in his favorites, and a day later simply deleted everything from the list on

The site, the marketer may think that the price is too high or that how does content marketing work? competitors have sent a more relevant selection. And a marketer can also open a customer card in a CDP and see that a buyer with the same phone number (he indicated it when registering for a bonus card) bought two pairs of shoes – the very ones that he removed betting data from his favorites. That is, the target action was completed. And this would be impossible to track if not for the CDP, which collected this information in one digital profile.

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