As humans, we are emotionally wired and our decisions are often not rational . Therefore, we are mostly loyal to brands that can establish a relationship with us. To those who are the bearer of a story that corresponds to our needs, motivations, desires and wishes.
However, establishing a relationship with the customer does not happen through the practical features of the products or the fact that you deliver the order the next day. These are only tertiary benefits that almost anyone can offer, including your competition, and they do not make your brand special.
Why work with a brand archetype?
Marketing archetypes are a tool that helps you define philippines whatsapp number data who your brand is and what makes it unique. An archetype helps you determine how your brand should communicate internally and externally so that it has a consistent effect and becomes memorable and loved by customers .
An archetype can act as a compass for your entire business – from manufacturing to marketing. You should agree on your company’s values across different teams.
Only then will you be able to create a consistent brand identity at all times when the consumer comes into contact with you. It often happens that merchants forget to train customer support or have a fine-tuned online brand presentation, but the moment a customer visits a brick-and-mortar store, they get a completely different feeling.
However, remember that the archetype only works as a tool or template to help you think about the brand and its values. You shouldn’t completely rely on archetypes as building a community around the only solution, because the goal is not to create a brand as such.
Which archetype to choose for the brand?
The choice of brand archetype takes place on powder data several levels and usually from the inside out. First, focus on what your brand stands for and what you want to achieve . think about it
what are your values
In this process, don’t be afraid to go back to the very beginning and ask yourself why your brand was created in the first place.