Home » What is a chatbot and how can it help your business?

What is a chatbot and how can it help your business?

When making a query on a website via text chat, you may have realiz that the person who is helping you is not a human but a software that has the ability to interact with you (simulating human conversation) and resolve some of your questions or issues. This is a chatbot.

This type of tool can be simple and work as a branching of questions and answers, or it can be more develop and learn from the user and provide increasingly precise and personaliz information, offering the experience of a fluid conversation.

So, what is a chatbot and what benefits does it offer for business?

This technology can help a business in many  qatar whatsapp number data ways, perhaps the most notable of which is that it is working all the time, all day, every day. This is confirm by a Capterra study on customer service trends and preferences, with 76% of consumers survey saying that the main advantage of a chatbot is that it is available at any time, every day .


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What is a chatbot and what is it us for?
A chatbot basically simulates a conversation with a person. It is a software programm to interact with users, respond (automatically) to their questions and resolve their doubts, without the ne for a person to physically answer. For this reason, they are widely us for customer service or sales assistance (providing information about a product, prices, etc.).

A chatbot can be implement on a website, in an app or in instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or Telegram. Therefore, any consumer or potential client is expos to interaction with this technology.

Interaction with a chatbot can be via text, as we mention before and you can find it on travel agency websites or online stores, or via voice, such as Siri or Alexa. Basica from links on other websites lly, it is a technology that is design to automatically assist the user.

How chatbots work
Some chatbots are simple and work like a question and  shopping data answer game, while others are complex, bas on Artificial Intelligence (AI) , which understand the context of the question and generate a more tailor response.

Rule-bas chatbots (interaction via decision tree)

These are chatbots that work with pretermin responses bas on keywords and the user navigates through the branches of a tree of questions and automatic answers. The user experiences a linear conversation. They are also known as declarative chatbots.

The decision tree is defin by a human, who structures the possible questions and answers or resources that the chatbot can provide.

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