Home » What is a content manager and what are their functions?

What is a content manager and what are their functions?

The content manager is the professional in charge of generating the digital content strategy for a company and/or brand. In short, they research, create and edit content; and despite being a relatively new position, its importance is increasing. They perform a lot of tasks and require certain characteristics that we are going to tell you about in this article. Let’s get started!

What is and what is not a content manager? 

Content managers are content creators par excellence, which is why it is necessary to differentiate them from editors and community managers. Content managers define what is written and how, and also establish which formats are most effective and when they will be published. They always take into account the buyer persona or target audience and know the company like no one else.

He leads the content group and is in charge of the editorial canada phone number data and social media teams. He would need days with more than 24 hours to be able to write everything!

Respect, but above all, know the digital medium. For example, you will not encourage a company to use the business blog for direct sales. You will (and rightly so) recommend writing valuable content for the target audience, trying to generate interest in them so that they end up going to a landing page and buying the product.

Jeff Wilson, Vice President of Services for Mastercard Latin America, says “in a period of two years, three at the most, there is a turning point where digital transactions will outnumber physical transactions (as cited in the Forbes article) .” So it is necessary to work on the positioning of the business blog right now! A content manager is the right person for that, so we will be better prepared for what is coming.

What are the functions of a content manager?

1. Design and develop the content strategy

This may change over time, but there are aspects that singapore data must be defined beforehand: who will be spoken to, what will be said and what type of keywords and media will be used: landing page ? Blogs? Website? Social networks? Which is the most appropriate?

2. Concrete and quantifiable objectives are set

You care about the purpose of the strategy. There has to be a purpose! You care about generating valuable content, is it of interest to the target audience?

3. Select and work with the team of editors and social networks

They are involved in drafting and executing campaigns, and measure the impact of your story they are also supervised and, if necessary, pointed out any conceptual, spelling and/or syntax errors. They also ensure that they meet the previously established objectives.

4. Create the publication calendar

As well as being in charge of following up on it. It pays special attention to SEO (Search Engine Optimization), so it proposes writing about attractive and original topics to position the brand in the main search engines.

5. Use and know the so-called CMS

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