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What is Lean Startup? 6 Marketing Tactics to Make It Happen

Starting a business from scratch is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort and work. Moreover, when the process begins, the same thoughts always cross your mind: will people really want my products or services? Are the actions I plan to take sufficient?

We cannot guarantee what the future of your company will look like, but we can tell you that if you start with your Lean Startup strategy and Lean Marketing tactics as soon as possible, it will be very promising.

Lean Startup Methodology

The Lean Startup methodology is based primarily on meeting the specific needs of consumers and doing so with the minimum amount of resources. This methodology is based on three pillars:

When you start your business, the data you have about the market is often not enough. This makes creating a product that adapts to the needs of your Buyer Personas not an easy task. In this situation, you must teacher database start by creating it and, since having a final product is going to be difficult, the ideal thing would be to create the minimum viable product, known as MVP, which will help you launch the product to the market in the shortest possible time, avoid failures, optimize your database, reduce implementation costs, etc.

At this stage, you need to ask yourself if your product version has the features needed to solve the problem affecting your market. If the answer is yes, you are one step closer to success.


Our advice is that at this stage you use landing pages

A/B tests, videos showing your products, etc.


At this stage, it is essential to develop an effective measurement method . To do this, you must evaluate the company’s own data (expected expenses, available resources, etc.) and measure the needs of  increased brand visibility your potential customers; the latter will help you to know what they are really looking for and adapt your product or service as much as possible.

Once you have all this clear, it is time to develop the final product that will reach the market.


Thanks to the results you obtain from the alb directory measurement, your company will be able to learn directly from experience , in this case, the product or service created. Here you must carry out all the necessary adjustments so that your product is fully aligned with the market needs and if that is not possible, you must modify what is not working and check with a new MVP if you are able to meet your objectives.

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