Home » What to do on the Asiago Plateau in August

What to do on the Asiago Plateau in August

Summer, vacation time. Often you don’t have to go too far to spend a few days of relaxation and fun. . One of these is called Asiago. Asiago is a charming town in the Vicenza Prealps, in the center of the largest plateau in Italy.

In summer Asiago offers you

Plenty of nature, good flavors, many georgia phone number library excursions and a calendar full of events. Nature on the Altopiano dei 7 Comuni is a spectacle of colors and scents. . In the mountain huts you can taste the famous Asiago DOP, the cheese produced only with milk collected on the plateau.

At an altitude of one thousand meters

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In the surroundings of Asiago, there are plenty of opportunities for a nice walk, a mountain bike excursion or a bit of trekking. Among the favorite paths for those who spend their holidays on the plateau is the Strada del Vecchio Trenino, almost thirty kilometers immers in a natural environment of rare beauty, from Asiago to Campiello, on the western edge of the plateau.

Asiago Plateau, you never get tir

This year, on the evening improve your company’s productivity with mobile apps of August 15, the show will be on the ice of the Pala Hodegart, the theater of Stars on Ice: the champions of figure skating will perform for the joy of young and old fans on holiday on the plateau; the guest of the event will be the Russian Olympian Evgeni Plushenko. On August 16, it will be the turn of the Festa del Prunno, a traditional event on the plateau on the day of San Rocco. And the shooting stars? There is not much time left and there are many events. The most interesting one is the one scheduled at the Asiago Astrophysical Observatory, in Pennar, on Friday, August 10, starting at 9:00 pm. On the . Not even in the height of summer.

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