As our strategic communication expert said, 8 out of 10 products fail in the first three months after their launch. They can even fail with large development and integrated marketing teams.
However, the communication paradigm is currently being redefined due . AS the potential of the Internet, making it an enormous challen . A e to dare to carry out commercial transactions . A connections with users and devel email data opment of new products and platforms.
If you are one of those who
A have innovative ideas and want to aim for novelty, we want to tell you that the key today is to generate vivid and organic experiences . Large companies are no longer the only ones authorized to develop new products, but consumers like you .
The path to innovation
If you want to stop being a passive subject and encourage yourself to develop your own business startup , here is a list of ten steps you should take on this journey towards the innovation of the future.
Daito Manabe , a Japanese man
A who lived in extreme poverty for 10 years, was the first laboratory technician and managed to become a reference in digital marketing worldwide . He developed a theory based on the premise that human movement can ge ws data nerate audio notes . In this way, synchronized audios from different connected bodies could emulate a great instrumental melody .
This project was documented and then discovered by . Nike ‘s invest in numbers marketing team . A who suggested Daito to transfer the idea of the musical body to a sports object. This is how Nike Music Shoes” came about . Don’t miss the video , it’s fascinating!