Home » Technology in the workplace is definitely

Technology in the workplace is definitely

Technology in the workplace is definitely a gray area with its pros and cons, from ease of communication to a lack of strong team bonding in the office. While the advantages of being able to message anyone in the office instantly are certainly numerous, it’s also important to balance that advantage with actual face-to-face time.

Keep in mind that messages in online

Communications can be easily misinterpreted, and according to a recent UCLA study, 93% of communications are non-verbal signals. To maintain a healthy work environment, it’s important to balance the convenience of today’s technology with traditional face-to-face communication. Here are five tips to help you and your office avoid a complete lack of human interaction:

Understand your coworkers communication styles.

What your mom told you in elementary school still applies—everyone is different. We all have unique personality traits and unique backgrounds amazon database that change our communication styles. Understanding who in your workplace is more expressive and who prefers to get things done quickly and quietly can be a fun office activity and a great learning tool for office communication.

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Likewise, if you know a coworker has

Very positive communication style, send the future of post-pandemic marketing: 5 predictions for 2021 them a text asking if they have time to chat. This will earn respect from both parties and make the rich data relationship healthier. 2. A little effort goes a long way. Introduce yourself to a new coworker, invite someone to lunch or coffee, or an activity outside of work.

Depending on your job, consider setting a goal to communicate

with others in person or via video conference. The smallest attempt to connect with someone can go a long way to boost office morale and improve company energy. 3. Make your own rules. Helping your coworkers and employees feel like they can talk to you in person, and vice versa, is a key aspect of not letting technology get the best of us. When it comes to office communication, having some personal guidelines can help everyone overcome the temptation to send a quick email.


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